Comment j'ai détesté les maths
© Olivier Peyon, Jerome Baur © Olivier Peyon, Jerome Baur

film music

Feature film - 90mn - France, 2013
Documentary for cinema by
Olivier Peyon - France - VOST 1h43. Scope.
Digital - 5.1 surround - Visa 133 327 - Première: 27.11.2013

Comment j'ai détesté les maths © Olivier Peyon, Jerome Baur

How I Came to Hate Maths

Anyone who’s suffered through a high school algebra course has certainly wondered to themselves: What’s the point of all this? That’s the question French filmmaker Olivier Peyon attempts to answer in his globetrotting documentary How I Came to Hate Maths (Comment j’ai deteste les maths).

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jerome baur, film music · KANTELE - Les petites vacances (extrait)



Maths has always bored you, you have always thought that being bad in maths was a fatality, in short you have always hated it! We could have just laughed about it if it hadn't taken such a place in our society: Apple, Google, Goldman Sachs are nothing but algorithms and mathematical formulas.

How did maths come to suffer from such disaffection at the very moment when it is ruling the world? Through a journey to the four corners of the world with the greatest mathematicians, including Cédric Villani (Fields Medal 2010).
How I hated math tells us how mathematics has changed our world, for the better... and sometimes for the worse.

Here I contributed to the music of the film with the title "Kantele" - Publisher Peermusic France - Sacem. This title joined the other musics of the soundtrack of the film composed by Nicolas Khun.


Publisher : Peermusic France - Fabien Bonnin
Awards / Festivals "Pariscience" Opening film
Press officers : Viviana Andriani et Aurélie Dard

Press interview

Dossier de presseHollywood reporterPremièreAllocinecjdlm-lefilm